Monday, June 9, 2014

Reflections On Blogging

Blogging is sort of fun but boring on the other hand.  I only blogged when I was told to because blogging is not very appealing.  No I don't think I could make and update my own blog because I quite frankly don't see myself having time to do that.  I think it's cool people blog for money because they don't have to do much to earn money, you might as well hand the money over to them and no I don't read other peoples blog.  Blogging in this class was just kind of a filler every Monday because I had no use for it and it really didn't teach me much.

Monday, June 2, 2014

National Egg Day

I will do nothing for this event cause it's irrelevant to me.  No I do not like eggs, I dispise them.  I never eat eggs.  I don't have a favorite egg dish.  Yes, this is another silly holiday because why would we have a celebration about a terrible food?